Tomorrow Critter and Burda will be boarding a plane bound for Seattle Washington for their first ever Spring Break adventure. While I am more than a little excited that they get to take this trip together, I can also come up with a million reasons why they shouldn't. Horrible plane crash, terrorist takeover, Ebola breakout....the list goes on and on. But that is just the helicopter mom in me and I know none of these things will happen, and they will have an amazing time and make memories to last a lifetime. I just cant believe that the kids in that picture (with my niece Mallory and nephew Dustin) are old enough to be traveling across the country on their own. But they are, and I hope they have more fun than they can possibly imagine!! I love you guys!! Take lots of pictures to share, and be safe!!
PS--I need to thank my bro, since I jacked these pictures from his Facebook album. Thanks Bro!! :)
Times flies when you are having fun!! They were (actually still are) so darn cute....I love 'em!